let's go blowing ♥
>> Saturday, July 4
Is it like rainbow color?
Today got enterprise, to describe it by using the new word I learned today is "enterprise SUCKS"! ew, hanging myself in facebook and took the stupid stupid quiz all 3rd meeting, really bad!
Aft sch went to bb to bowling, XY made funny funny video by her hp, also kept joking abt everyone, lol, really funny! And one of her cold jokes is "新加坡的歌叫'新歌', 韩国的歌叫'韩歌', 美国的歌叫'美歌', 中国的歌叫'中歌', 那么法国的歌叫什么?", 答案是"法歌(fuck)" 0.O
And MinE is really good at bowling! WJ has 狗屎运. XY just throw the bowling balls by funny funny way, K sometimes had a good try, sometimes had a bad try.
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